
Inventory Managment Application


Working as a Physics Lab Assistant at Fraser International College (FIC) I was tasked with maintaining the inventory using their excel sheets - a very tedious method. To avoid the excel sheets for maintaining inventory I came up with an idea that would utilize a database to maintain the inventory. My supervisor was supportive of my idea and so I started looking into tutorials that explain the fundamentals of database-driven applications. It took me about a week to complete understand the road map to web-development, from frontend to backend.

From my research, as a beginner to full-stack development, everyone suggested to start with PHP on the backend, its easier to understand & implement server-side concepts. I took an introductory course to database-driven web applications on Udemy for the first 4-5 weeks. Upon finishing the course, I moved on to implementing the inventory management application for FIC using PHP & MySQL on the backend, and JavaScript & AJAX on the frontend.

Implemented Pages

  1. Login-page

  2. Account Page

  3. Inventory Page

  4. Add Product Page

  5. Product Report Page

  6. Email supplier Page

Additional Feature:

Every time a product quantity in the database is updated and if the new quantity is below the minimum required an email is automatically sent to the supplier for a new order.

The idea was to use FIC’s ordering template to place new orders. At the moment, I’m sending an email that says “order placed successfully” - just for debugging purposes.

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